PRTR substances
Since Cambodia is just starting a PRTR system design and capacities are limited, not all chemicals listed in the Kiev Protocol shall be reported in the initial stage. The chemicals that shall be reported in the initial stage are those chemicals that have the following criteria: toxicity, persistence, bioaccumulation, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reproductive or developmental effects, neurotoxicity, and transboundary transport and exposure.
Furthermore, chemicals that are subject for reporting under international conventions and protocols shall also be incorporated in this initial stage of the PRTR system implementation in Cambodia. Therefore, chemicals that should be addressed in this initial stage implementation are:
- Persistent organic pollutants (i.e. 12 existing POPs and 09 new POPs), cover only PCBs, Dioxin and Furans (during the initial stage);
- Ozone layer depleting substances (i.e. Methyl bromide, CFCs, HCFC);
- The greenhouse gases (i.e. carbon dioxide, methane);
- Hazardous chemicals that are contained in wastes as specified under the Basel Convention, i.e. cadmium, mercury, chromium, lead, etc. (regardless employees numbers) The substances proposed to report on the PRTR can be classified into 5 groups:
- GHG-Greenhouse Gases-Kyoto Protocol o Global Warming Potential (GWP)
- POPs - Persistent Organic Pollutants - Stockholm Convention,
- Criteria air pollutants,
- Metals, and Other substances. Key activities covered by the National PRTR system are based on the UNECE Guidelines on the Implementation of the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters. In Appendix 1 and 2 (List of substances and parameters for PRTR), PRTR systems report emission and releases of hazardous chemicals to air (a), water (w) and for off-site transfers (o), respectively. The indicative list shall be made to help in the identification of contaminants that may be issued for a specific category of productive activity and can be used as a checklist for reporting.
Table 1: List of substances and parameters for PRTR pilot testing
- PRTR substances
- PRTR Chemist List
- Information on Toxicity of PRTR Substances
- Substance Fact Sheets