PRTR Reporting Requirements
A Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) provides annual data on the pollutants released by facilities on site to the air, water and land, or for disposal or underground injection; and transferred off site for recycling, treatment or disposal. The PRTR Cambodia initiative promotes public access to PRTR data to improve understanding of the sources and management of pollutants of common concern. The data used in PRTR System are reported by facilities to the Ministry of Environment. Efforts are focused on adding value to the data through their integration, analysis and dissemination.
Which Pollutants Must Be Reported?
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The pollutants subject to national PRTR reporting requirements are listed because they meet certain criteria for chemical toxicity and the potential for risk to human health and the environment. Each PRTR system covers a specific list of substances: National Polluntant Release of Cambodia spans almost 83 pollutants.
The PRTR programs also feature pollutant reporting thresholds. Certain pollutants have lower reporting thresholds due to their greater potential for risk to human health and the environment. In general, the pollutant thresholds established by the PRTRs are as follows:
For Cambodia, a facility must report if it manufactures, processes, or otherwise uses (e.g., in cleaning industrial equipment) 10,000 kilograms (Draft of Sub-Decree)
Follow the Thredhold in First Draft of Sub-decree on Pollutant Release and Transfer Register..
To see the list of pollutants reported to the Cambodia PRTRs, please consult: [Excel File].
In order to provide more information about PRTR pollutants, the N-PRTR report and online database also categorize them as follows:
Known or suspected carcinogens, based on the World Health Organizations' International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) Proposition 65 list;
Developmental or reproductive toxicants, based on California's Proposition 65 list;
Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) substances, which have properties that render them a long-term environmental and health threat, even in small quantities;
Metals: Metals occur naturally, but human activities such as mining and smelting enlarge their proportions in the environment. The toxicity of certain metals and their compounds can depend on the forms they take in the environment.